Common questions about the Emerald Ash Borer:

1. Is there an effective treatment for the Emerald Ash Borer?

YES! Several products will kill at least some Emerald Ash Borers. However, only TreeAge proves effective for two years and provides a 99-100% kill rate. Preliminary research results suggest that TreeAge may even provide a third year of protection.

2. Will Emerald Ash Borers infect other types of trees?

NO! Emerald Ash Borers have not been found causing damage to other tree types. Most insect pests damage only one or a small number of plants.

3. Is the treatment dangerous to my household, family or pets?

NO! The low amount of TreeAge used and its application by low pressure trunk injection make unintended contact by humans or pets almost impossible.

4. It is worth paying to save my ash tree?

In many cases, YES! One or more of the following factors will lead owners of ash trees to invest in Emerald Ash Borer control:

  • Removing an EAB- killed tree proves expensive due to size, condition and/or location.

  • The tree is an important part of the landscape because of shade, aesthetics, emotional attachment or various other factors.

  • Short-term EAB treatment will allow installation of a replacement tree now, then removal of the ash tree when the replacement grows to an acceptable size.

Jacob Tree Care can provide expert advice that will help you make your decisions.

5. Must Emerald Ash Borer treatment be repeated?

Unless the unlikely disappearance of the borer occurs, YES. At most, TreeAge application would need to be repeated every two years. As untreated ash trees die off, we will see a dramatic reduction in the EAB population, but probably not its disappearance.